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ASTM D7094

Facts about the ASTM D7094 Standard Test Method

The ASTM D7094 test method is used for Flash Point by Modified Continuously Closed Cup (CCCFP) Tester. In December 2013, this safer method was accepted for a list of fuel specifications – Fuel oils (D396), Diesel fuel oils (D975), gas turbine fuel oils (D2880) and kerosene (D3699). This date can be marked as the start of a revolution in flashpoint testing all across the world. Based on round robin results which showed no statistical bias to ASTM D93, ASTM D7094 became an official alternative to the 100 years old Pensky Martens method for flashpoint testing of fuels.

ASTM D7094 has put its nose in front of ASTM D6450 in the past few years. In the future it will overcome this method because of better and more reliable results. (Andreas Schwarzmann, R&D)

ASTM D7094 covers the determination of the flash point of fuels, lube oils, solvents and other liquids by a continuously closed cup tester. The method utilises a specimen size of 2 mL and cup size of 7 mL with a heating rate of 2.5°C per minute. The test method can measure testing samples with a flash point from 35 to 225°C.

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