Oil Condition Monitoring

Oil condition monitoring plays a crucial role in predictive and proactive maintenance strategies by providing valuable insights into equipment health and lubricant condition. An efficient way to avoid equipment failures is to set up an oil condition monitoring process. By analyzing various oil properties, maintenance professionals can detect early signs of equipment and lubricant degradation. Please select from our range of products for oil condition monitoring and download our latest APPLICATION NOTES.

eravisc X

Density & Viscosity Testing
Oil Condition Monitoring
The kinematic viscometer ERAVISC X

The smallest kinematic viscometer.

eraflash X

Flash Point Testing
Oil Condition Monitoring
The petroleum flash point tester ERAFLASH X

The petroleum flash point tester.

eracount xs

Oil Condition Monitoring
The ISO 4406 laser particle counter eracount xs.

The ISO 4406 laser particle counter.


Oil Condition Monitoring
The RDE-OES spectrometer ERAOIL

The stand-alone RDE-OES spectrometer.

erasoft OCM

Oil Condition Monitoring

The oil condition monitoring software.

eraspec oil

Oil Condition Monitoring
The FTIR spectral lubricant analyzer eraspec oil

The FTIR spectral lubricant analyzer.

eratest ferro

Oil Condition Monitoring
The ferrous debris analyzer ERATEST FERRO

The mobile ferrous debris tester.

Application Notes

Don’t miss our latest application notes. Feel free to download them and get back to us if you have questions or further interesting applications for our analyzers to look at.

Kinematic viscosity – The key to lubricant analysis | Article in Lube Magazine 06/2024

Whitepaper: Getting started with In-house oil condition monitoring

Assessing elemental content in lubricants: purposes, techniques, and insights | Article Lube Media 07/2024

Oil condition monitoring with new tools – Comparison, challenges and solutions