ISO 12185

Crude petroleum, petroleum products and related products — Determination of density — Laboratory density meter with an oscillating U-tube sensor.

Get more information about the standard at ISO 12185:2024.

eradens X

Density & Viscosity Testing
Analyzer in a red and white colored aluminium housing measuring density
fully compliant with ISO 12185

The smallest D4052 density meter.

eradens xs

Density & Viscosity Testing
Density Meter ERADENS XS
fully compliant with ISO 12185

The field D4052 density meter.

eravisc X

Density & Viscosity Testing
Oil Condition Monitoring
The kinematic viscometer ERAVISC X
fully compliant with ISO 12185

The smallest kinematic viscometer.


Spectral Fuel Analysis
The FTIR spectral fuel analyzer ERASPEC
fully compliant with ISO 12185

The FTIR spectral fuel analyzer.


Vapor Pressure Testing
The vapor pressure tester ERAVAP
fully compliant with ISO 12185

The all-round vapor pressure tester.