ASTM D4052

Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter.

Get more information about the standard at  ASTM D4052-22.

eradens X

Density & Viscosity Testing
Analyzer in a red and white colored aluminium housing measuring density
fully compliant with ASTM D4052

The smallest D4052 density meter.

eradens xs

Density & Viscosity Testing
Density Meter ERADENS XS
fully compliant with ASTM D4052

The field D4052 density meter.

eravisc X

Density & Viscosity Testing
Oil Condition Monitoring
The kinematic viscometer ERAVISC X
fully compliant with ASTM D4052

The smallest kinematic viscometer.


Spectral Fuel Analysis
The FTIR spectral fuel analyzer ERASPEC
fully compliant with ASTM D4052

The FTIR spectral fuel analyzer.


Vapor Pressure Testing
The vapor pressure tester ERAVAP
fully compliant with ASTM D4052

The all-round vapor pressure tester.

ASTM D4052 is a standard test method for measuring the density, relative density or API gravity of liquids using a digital density meter. This method is widely used in the petroleum and chemical industries to evaluate the physical properties of liquid hydrocarbons, including fuels, oils and lubricants. It ensures high precision and repeatability and is therefore essential for quality control and regulatory compliance. Modern digital density meters that comply with this standard ensure consistent, fast and accurate results, making them a cornerstone of quality control and product evaluation for flammable and non-flammable liquids alike.


The test uses an oscillating U-tube principle to measure liquid density. A small volume of the sample is placed in the device and the density is determined by analyzing the oscillation frequency of the filled tube. ASTM D4052 is suitable for liquids with a density between 0.65 g/cm³ and 1.0 g/cm³ and temperatures between 15°C and 40°C.

The method is highly accurate, with a repeatability of better than ±0.0001 g/cm³. It also enables fast and automated measurements compared to conventional hydrometers, reducing operator error and improving efficiency. The results are used to calculate parameters such as the API grade, which is crucial for the characterization of crude oil and petroleum products.

Industries & Applications

ASTM D4052 is essential in industries where liquid density is a critical parameter:

  • Petroleum and energy: For characterizing fuels (gasoline, diesel, biodiesel) and crude oil based on API gravity and density
  • Chemicals: Measuring raw materials and finished products for compliance and quality assurance
  • Food and beverage: Testing liquids like oils or alcoholic beverages for standardization
  • Pharmaceuticals: Ensuring consistency in liquid formulations and solvents
  • Lubricants and additives: Determining the density of oils and other performance enhancers