eralab OCM offers a range of easy-to-use, rugged and accurate oil analyzers. Combined with the advanced erasoft OCM software solution, the heart of eralab OCM, it facilitates the development of a successful in-house oil condition monitoring program. The erasoft OCM software supports the operator in essential parts of the management, operation and maintenance of technical equipment. Oil condition monitoring is particularly important in the area of preventive maintenance.

It supports companies in proactively monitoring the condition and longevity of their lubricating oils and systems. erasoft OCM enables maintenance experts to collect, analyze and interpret oil analysis data efficiently and in real time.
With the four main functions Assest Management, Oil Condition Monitoring, Reporting and Data Intagration, the key processes for a modern OCM software are available. In combination with the eralab OCM analyzers, unplanned downtimes due to machine failures and negative effects on production processes and profitability can be avoided in advance.